Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Holy schnikes!

OK, I have officially bitten off more than I can chew. That's it, that's all, no more.

So, I got the new job. No more base salary, but I get a company car, a pension plan, a blackberry, more vacation, more benefits, better hours, more travel, and, get this, a 25% bonus plan that could go up to 150% of my salary if we hit numbers.

That means leaving here, which is really tough. I've really come to regard the people O work with as family, and it is really difficult to cut that off. It's like chopping off an arm to save a leg. A tough choice.

I just buried my grandmother.
I move next weekend.
I get married the weekend after that.
I get back from honeymoon and change jobs.

I feel as if I am spinning plates, and I see them slipping...

Then I found out I am going to get a substantial inheritance. The world as I know it is about to change. In three weeks, I don't think I'll recognize myself anymore.


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