Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Monday, December 12, 2005

She's So Vain...

...can't help it, sorry. This post is going to be all about how spanking gorgeous I can be. Feel free to skip the post, it's very self-indulgent and only partially true. However, it is just a snapshot in time and the feeling will fade. But for now, humour me.

It always starts with a little dress, have you noticed that? A perfect...little...dress. Way too expensive for the amount of fabric that makes it so...little. Vivid Christmas red in silk. Not cheap silk-substitute, no way. Real silk. I have never put on something so fab. I had to have it. Too much money but so many justifications. I hadn't had a nice dress in years. The one I was to wear that night had been worn at the same event the previous year. I was worth it. And so I put my money down and it was mine. Did I know that the earrings were half off? No, no I didn't. Would I like the ones that matched the beautiful brooch on the dress? Why yes, I would.

A clever I was already on my way to the party when a sudden whim for a new dress struck, I already had all of my ecoutrements with me, packed. With great fortune and cooincidence, the undies I had packed left no lines visible, so strap unhidden, and the most ridiculously perfect amount of cleavage on view. But to the shoes? I had black, and clearly that wasn't going to cut it. An emergency trip to the mall yielded a parking space directly across from the shoe store, despite the overcrowding and Christmas crush. Two stores later and I had satin shoes in the same hue and style as the dress. What luck! And, with a gasp as I turned them over the view the price, more reasonable than I expected.

I dressed in haste, a hotel room near the banquet hall. My hair dried *just-so* and my makeup *perfect*. MF looked at me as if he hadn't seen me in years...his eyes lit up. I felt like a movie star.

I danced all night, even to the stupid tunes played by a really appallingly bad DJ. I wanted to shimmy and shake, shake that flirty dress and have a great time. And I did! Even MF needed to dance with me, to be part of the aura. Not too much to drink to make me sleepy, not too much to eat to ruin the ligne. Perfect.

No cab to be had, but a friend gave us a ride back to the hotel. We indulged in the extra red wine and ordered a pizza. I was still starry eyed and perky, not sozzled like the other girls. Keeping my cool, keeping my dignity, grace and mystery. Going to bed content, danced out, happy, at peace with myself and my fiance.

I will remember this. I need to remember this.

I shone like a ruby.


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