Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Why do people have to "people-ish"?

I have said before, and I'll say again, people suck. Especially people who are meant to be your nearest and dearest.

We've been getting "feedback" about our invitations. I didn't know our invitations were up for discussion until I had some comments. Why everyone feels as if they have to weigh in on everything wedding related, I'll never know. We weren't (believe it or not) asking for opinions. My personal favourite was:

"Oh, I got your invite, it was nice. You obviously took some time to make them. But my friend Sarah's invite was really nice...blah blah blah, I'm a total moron".

The other comments we LOVE receiving usually feature the following statement:

"Oh, you are doing BLANK? We don't like BLANK, we didn't do it at our wedding" or "BLANK is such a total waste of money, why on earth are you doing that?"

The funny thing is that I had no idea how diverse peoples opinions are on weddings. We have a friend who thinks that is is completely ridiculous and unnecessary that we are feeding our guests. Another thinks that anything other than a cashbar is completely ludicrous. "Why on earth would you pay for other people's drinks?" we exclaims while avoiding paying for yet another round.

Then some people think that unless I have a gold carriage pulled by fieldmice in little jackets, that I am somehow doing this whole thing on the sly and on the cheap?

"What do you mean you aren't getting a custom made dress? Who on earth nowadays doesn't go custom? What type of peasant are you anyway?"

I'm happy now just to smile and say "Ok, we'll take that into consideration" while shooting daggers at them about their complete lack of clue. And the next person who says "Chocolates as favours? But I don't like chocolate", I'll just tell them that I'll have theirs instead, so as to avoid the inconvenience we are clearly causing them.


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