Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Time to explain...what's going on in my life?

Well, the reason I have been so ticked at MF recently is because he has been sick for almost 2 weeks, during which time we bought a house and put ours on the market. There is a lot of stress going around. Also, our close date is 8 days before our wedding, which makes things a little crazy.

I'm beginning to seriously doubt my ability to vow to love MF "in sickness and in health". Of course, I WILL, but it takes so much out of me that I just hope I can stay strong if he does get seriously ill.

This is all just coming to a head. After he injured his neck at a volleyball game, and we spent hours in emerg waiting for a doctor that never came, he just hasn't been well. That was three weeks ago. After he hurt himself, we was pretty stiff and sore for the entire following week (and all of the complaining that involves). But instead of taking it easy, he went and played volleyball the following week too, and guess what? Another week of complaining and soreness. Does he stop playing volleyball? No. In fact, he then proceeds to help a buddy finish his basement, help my Dad pound fence posts into the ground, and next week is set to chop up trees at his Dad's place. Basically, he is overextending himself and I get the brunt of it.

This weekend, we had friends over to discuss the wedding, as he is the MC. I tidied the house by myself, cooked the dinner, cleaned up afterwards, sorted laundry, loaded dishwashers, cooked every meal. Not one finger lifted, because he is "sick".

You know what? Enough. If you are that sick, don't play volleyball, k? Don't chop down trees, k? Don't complain that you are too sick to help me cook dinner and then finish someone's basement, k?

The house has to be spotless every morning for showings, I'm stressed that the place hasn't generated much interest, and I am planning a wedding. I spent a day this weekend hand cutting and gluing the invitations that HE insisted we do, while he took a nap. I am one...bloody...complaint away from murder right now!!!

But the house we bought is lovely, and much closer to work, so less commute. It really has been a bittersweet couple of weeks.


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