Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Everything is Awesome

Let me explain. MF thinks I'm one of the most positive people he's every met. This is either because he is mistaking me for someone else (likely), or comparing me to his ex-wife (even more likely). I am not personally known for optimism amongst my (non-existent) group of friends. I think I am more likely to be known as "the loud one", "the drunk one", and very infrequently as "the mushy one". Optimism though...not so much.

When we were driving home one day, about two years ago, I looked out the window and saw a house covered in cheap spider web stuff and decorated with little pumpkin lights. Neato!! I smiled and said to MF (then MB) "Ah, I love it when people decorate for's so cool". He smiled, and thought that was the cutest thing to say, that so many people are down on little things like that.

But I've always liked the little things. Lights at Christmas. Walking in leaves. Baking. Feeding ducks. Running. Holding hands. Kids on skis. Bunnies.

Before I get all "puppies and kittens" and crap, I would like to say this...everything is awesome. I guess I'm having one of those stupid love bursts, where everything is great and the world is pink and happy. I'm not sure if that's it or not. I think what I'm trying to say is that the world is a pretty kick ass place full of amazing people who are doing nothing but doing what they do best (whatever that is). Whether it is decorating their house to bring a smile to a kids face (or an adults for that matter), to people who grow Christmas trees, to people who teach other people, to people who learn, to people who share and just try and make their space and their home better for themselves and for others.

Totally awesome, and completely kick ass.

Tonight I'm going home, getting to pet my cats, snuggle MF, and glue together wedding invitations. What could be better? I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather be doing.


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