Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Here We Grow Again!

There comes a time when you realize that your life is no longer a series of inexplicably profound events, divided by days, months or years. It isn't a disjointed jumble of's a flowing even tide of life, happening.

I thought that my move from my evil place of work (1) to (what turned out to be) an even more evil place of work (2) in February of last year, followed by a swift departure to current place of work (3), would end the event. Lights on, party over.

But it doesn't work like that. Every little movement I have made this year, if not in my entire life, has brought me to a point where I can begin to look pretty darn great for place of work...let's call it...Xanadu (4). I tried and failed to move from (1) to (4) in 2004, but they told me I lacked the exact skills necessary. So, from (1) I jumped to (2) with little resistance. Although my stay at (2) was brief, I would never have got job (3) without the 30 days worth of training I received at (2). And now here I am, poised to receive an offer from (4), the place where I would have been content in the first place, but never would have got a chance if it wasn't for (2) and (3).

It is a strange, semi-contented feeling when you realize that everything happens to bring you to a point that has been determined before you were probably even born. It is an odd comfort, a life travelling on rails. No offroading. No fresh powder. Just the rhythmic rocking of the train as your life stays on track.


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