Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I feel like a block of ice. My fingers don't bend anymore. Ah yes, welcome to spring in Toronto...where it's 13 degrees outside and they have the air conditioning on...yes, air conditioning. I can't think anymore, I think the cold is affecting my ability to bridge synapse.

On another note, MB and I have decided that, during our house hunting, that he is to go and see the location first...I am not to come along. I tend to make very emotional decisions and responses to the houses I see, basically meaning that I overlook "little" things (crumbling foundation, missing bathroom, rotting brickwork) in favour of "Oh, but I love the hall closet!" and such. He will look at the house first, and only if he likes it (i.e. the foundation isn't crumbling, he can stand up in the basement) will he bring me in...I like it better that way. After a crying jag about one of the houses we saw, a bungie, I think it's good for us all round. I loved the house, would have bought it in an instant...he couldn't get around the house without turning sideways and/or ducking. Damn him and his manly 6' 4"! I'd rather not have the option of liking the house until he gives it the thumbs up.

Did I mention I'm freezing? I feel as if I need to go every two minutes too...not fun.


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