Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Get to the good stuff already!!

Trying to do the adult equivilent of dumping out the full box of cereal to get to the toy right now. If my life were a TV show, this month would be a Tide commercial I want to fast forward through.

Hurry up and get good already dammit!!

I am literally (and disturbingly) wishing time away. I shall look back on this post in 80 years and want to kick my younger self in the bee-hind I'm sure. I forgot that life is just a few bright dots in a sky full of crap...and if not crap, then just a lot of blank nothingness. Is this what we do? Wait for life to happen, to get there already? I have a list of things to do during life, which I am working through with scary precision, but I seem to never be satisfied with the current place, just the next milestone:

1) Be Born (check)
2) Make it through puberty (check)
3) Get into a good University (check)
4) Find something to do in the real world (check)
5) Find someone to do in the real world (check)
6) Get married (in progress)
7) Have babies (pending)
8) Get babies into a good University (doubtful)
9) Watch babies have babies
10) Die

Why can't I enjoy now. What about today? Why am I wishing for the weekend (except for the obvious)? Why can't I make today as great as any of those other special days?

I don't know. It's too big and I'm sleepy. I'll figure it out one day, I promise.


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