Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Everything I own is crap

I knew I'd eventually find something to whine about, even with my run of good luck recently.

(Sidenote: You know when something goes really, really right in your life, so much so that you actually say that little mantra "I'll never, ever complain about anything again"? Well, that basically goes out the window after the honeymoon period)

Now that I have a little bit of extra money coming in, it's time to freshen up the house, my wardrobe, and me in general (and god do I ever need it). I did a rekkie* of the entire place, and now have to prioritize what to fix / replace first. And here's my conclusion:

Everything I own is crap.

No word of a lie, these are the items of furniture that need to be repaired / replaced asap:
  • Coffee table (crap)
  • Bed frame (crap)
  • Bedside tables (#1 is ok, #2 is a wooden crate = crap)
  • Bedroom dresser (double crap. It's not only ugly, but it's huge without any real storage areas = crap)
  • Kitchen table and chairs (actually, I love it because MB built it in Grade 9 and it still looks good. But we really need a set that more than two people can sit at comfortably)

These are things that I really need, because we have too much stuff and no storage. This also doubles as a list of things that MB has promised to build at one point or another:

  • Bookcases (need, need, need thanks to our voracious reading habits. Our beautiful books are now in boxes in the cold room)
  • A scrapbooking workstation (because I have so much "crap", as MB likes to call it)
  • Pantry (this was actually started in 2004...see previous posts for explanation of general household procrastination on this one. All my dry groceries are on the floor of my kitchen)
  • Quilt boxes to preserve my heirlooms. Right now they make great cat cushions.
  • Coffee tables / bedside tables / kitchen table and chairs. However, we never seem to have the right tools for the job, so MB has to go out and spend money (that we would have used to buy new furniture) on the tools that he never has the time to use to make things. *sigh*

So, all the furniture in my house, except for the couch, is in dire need of replacing or repairing. Then I went tomy wardrobe, expecting just to have to buy some new pieces to change up what I already have...but it's never that easy, is it? For some reason, everything I have purchased within the last year has mysteriously gotten stained, the hem has fallen down, the seams have ripped or has shrunk. I hate this. I'm a great believer in fixing things, but what can you do with a beautiful white linen skirt with a great big yellow splot in the centre of it? Or my silk skirt with a mysterious oil stain? Or my pink skirt which has a massive blue ink stain for some stupid reason. My brand new sweater with two pink dots on the sleeve?? I'm going mad!

So, all of my new stuff needs serious detailing. Then there's my old stuff. It's crap.

I just feel as if I'm going to have to replace / repair 90% of the stuff in there, and that's actually not a good feeling. Don't get me wrong, I love to shop...but when you are physically out of clothes and seriously cannot find something to go to work in that isn't stained, ripped or clubwear, there's a problem.

This is going to be expensive.

* slang English for "Reconnoiter"


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