Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Tough Decision (or, Everything is Cyclical)

Everything that will happen has already happened before.

No, I haven't been watching too much Battlestar Galatica, but it does ring true. After a hard two months of house hunting, MB and I had a tough conversation yesterday. It has becoming increasingly apparent that we simply cannot afford the type of house that we want to move into. After looking at so many "maybe" and "hmmm" type of houses inside our price range, and comparing them to the "wow" and "beautiful" houses outside of our price range, we've decided to stop torturing ourselves and just call it a day for the timebeing.

The plan was always to make our next move a "semi-permanent" home...stay for 5 of 6 years, then move on up to the "dream home". The problem is that everything that we can afford is the type of home where it is either:

a) really small but quaint and full of character, and you have to gut the place (not worth the time and effort because it is too small to be our keeper for life)
b) a good size but characterless and boring, but we don't need to do anything to it
c) a good size but characterless and boring, and we need to gut it

None of these options is good for the semi-permanent home. I would prefer:

d) a good size, quaint with character with a few fixer-upper jobs (i.e. new bathroom, wallpaper etc)

But of course that comes with a price tag. So, we've decided that instead of settling for the boring, we'd just stay put, get some more equity built in our existing place, and start doing those reno jobs we've been putting off because we were going to be buying a new place!

The funny thing is, the last time we looked for a house was two years ago, and after looking for three months, we came to this conclusion that April. Tough break, but what are you going to do?


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