I'm not big on the political stuff in my blog (oh, you hadn't noticed?) but I am big on politics in my everyday life. I just figure that I'd be pegged as a bleeding heart if I were to post on policy and probably comment-ed to death by Republicans. And since they have limited brain power, I don't want to push them to such extremes of communication. Oooh, did I say that?? Why yes I did! Oh, oh, I just brought it!!
Sooo, here's my summary of beliefs. Comment away!
1) I believe that the invasion and subsequent war in Iraq is based on a lie and is unconstitutional. As a Canadian, I have nothing to add to the democratic process in the States, but I can say that whoever voted for this has eaten way too many cheetos. The orange colour rots your brain.
2) I believe in the right of a woman to choose what happens to her own body. I believe that large corporations do not have the right to pick which prescription medicines to sell based on a fundamentalist religious belief, especially when it revolves around a woman's right to choose.
3) I believe that if two people love each other, and want to get in front of friends, family, God, Allah, Buddha, Krisna, and the big bad government to show that, well I think we should let them.
4) I believe that people are equal. That means no feminism, no affirmative action,
5) I believe that religion should never be confused with policy, and that Church and State should never, ever, ever....ever mix.
6) I believe in supporting the citizens of this country, whether immigrants or Canadian-born. I believe in allowing those who have qualifications to continue practicing in their area of specialization after a short and thorough retraining for the Canadian system. Doctors shouldn't drive taxis.
7) I believe in Christmas. I also believe in Hanukah, Diwali, Kwaanza, Raamadan, the Solstice, and anything I or you care to practice. Just let me keep practicing it, will you? Why should we ever consolidate a party? Why should we amalgamate into a random "holiday"? Why can't we be diverse? Why can't I search for Christmas ornaments on a Walmart site, why am I searching for "Holiday ornaments"? Aaaaargh!
8) I believe in political correctness (to a point), helping the helpless (to a point), and being nice.
9) I believe that people should work for a living. Call me crazy...
10) I believe that free childcare is not a right if you do not contribute to the system. I believe that free healthcare is not a right if you willingly and knowingly damage your health through smoking.
Gah, that's it for now. There's more. It gets kind of kooky at that point and I'm not sure I need the hate mail. Ah well. Baby steps...