Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Reeling, busy, getting fat...

Life is so busy and hectic right now, that I'm getting fat. Now, considering the daring depths of weight loss that I undertook to be radiant for our wedding day, it was only natural that I'd gain some weight...I couldn't maintain it forever. However, I am now getting distinctly podgy. And no, it's not a "I'm so in love, I'm getting fat" type of thing (although yes, I am in love) but rather a work-too-much-take-work-home-too-exhausted-to-exercise-I'll-just-watch-America's-Next-Top-Model-instead type of weight gain.

I do have to work on the handles, I just can't be arsed.
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