Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I have a love/hate relationship with cereal. Right now, I'm at the hate stage. Not because it's done anything wrong, no no no. Cereal can do no wrong. It's because I'm trying out the South Beach diet and carbs are decidedly out.

*Sidenote: When I say I am "trying" the South Beach diet, that means that I'm eating a Michelina's Carb Free Meal for lunch and cheating on the rest.

I used to love choosing my cereal in the grocery aisle, especially when we were visiting Canada from England over our summers. England had stupid cereal, healthy cereal. Like Weetabix. Cereal is meant to be fun and have a toy. There was nothing fun about Weetabix, that cereal was all business. We'd have to heap sugar on top of it and pound it into a soupy paste before it could be consumed. Oh, and since we had our milk delivered in the mornings, by 10am the milk on our cereal would be lukewarm from sitting on the doorstep for a couple of hours. Lukewarm soupy paste peppered with undissolved sugar. Lovely. Oh, and if it happened to be winter, the foil milk bottle seal would have been pecked through by birds trying to get to the cream that would rise to the top. Avian flu with your Weetabix? Bring it on. But then at least the milk was cold.

No, I loved choosing my Canadian cereal. Lucky Charms were my favourite. What's not to love? Crunchy sugary things and multicoloured marshmallowy goodness? Don't mind if I do. For a while we went a little hog wild with the different kinds, stuffing ourselves in the morning so that we could get a box of something new at the store that day. Whatever wasn't boring and / or had bran in it was fair game. The grammatically challenged Capt'in Crunch. Boo Berry AND Count Chocula mixed together in a G-rated horror of contrasting taste. Throw in some Franken-berry for a truly frightening taste sensation. Cocoa, Fruity AND Dino Pebbles...Mmmmm. And Sugar Smacks with the frog on the box. Scary that frogs can sell cereal, but hey, it worked. Other times, when we were coming off a sugar high, we could settle for Trix or Froot Loops (what is it with cereal names and grammar issues?)

The toys were great too. Even at 13 or so, I was collecting Star Trek: The Next Generation trading cards from inside Cheerios. My favourite was Deana Troy, who I wanted to be when I grew up (hey, a kid can dream).

Now, our collection includes Kashi, cereal of champions. This fiber-licious concoctions is low in fat, low in sugar and high in soy protein. Mmmmm. Also in our rotation is Special K Red Berries, which is hard to eat if you don't soak the berries in milk first...otherwise it's like eating little sour sponges. Of course, we do keep a box of Lucky Charms on hand, in case of a severe 80's moment (such as seeing the "New New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on tv on a Saturday morning). We also just invested in a box of Scooby Doo cereal, with marshmallow ghosts, mystery machines and doggie bones. Good to know that something nowadays will still give you early onset diabetes.


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