Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Friday, July 01, 2005

The Single Most Surreal Moment of My Life: 7.15pm June 30th 2005

When I tried on a wedding dress for the first time in my life. Shocking. I'm a bride!

I tried one on first because I thought it was "the one" from a photo I had found...and it really does look lovely. But after a few more dresses, I think I have found a different one that really looks fantastic. But if you've only tried on 10 or so dresses, how can you be sure that there isn't an even nicer one out there? I guess I'll keep looking and if none of them feels right, I'll go back to the first one.

I tried another one on and the salesperson asked if I wanted a crinoline, so I said "sure". It gives the skirt fullness (read: Disney Princess fullness). But I thought it looked funny and asked if I could take a quick walk in it to see if I looked like a rollerblading nun, or a Dalek. The salesperson took me out into the hallway, and I started walking down it. Then I stopped dead. There was a full length mirror at the end and I was watching myself walk up this "aisle". I almost passed out cold. Very surreal.

It's all becoming very, very real now.


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