Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Working on the follow-through...

MF is trying hard. He really, really is. The difference between last year and this year is that I now recognize the effort, accept that his follow-through is lousy, and move on. Here is the situation...

'Tis the season for gifts in our household. This month starts with my half-sister's birthday, followed by our engagement, my brother's birthday, my birthday and today, our "dating anniversary" (an anniversary formerly known just as "anniversary", as dating was really all we had to anniverserize. Is that a word? It is now).

Previous to this year, MF would hit the gift wall shortly after my birthday. With b-day and "anniversary" a mere two days apart, I'd get a lovely (or not so lovely) present on the b-day, complete with dinner or breakfast in bed. But by our anniversary, it seemed to default to me to make it a festive time. I'd buy the dinner, provide the pillow snacking, and generally organize the damn thing. But when MF's birthday hit in October, I'd do the whole thing for him again. Result: Unfair! I was always one gift-giving or spoiling opportunity behind.

So, I was damn pleased that we can leave that "dating anniversary" behind. That being said...we got engaged on June 8th, so I had already purchased anniversary presents. So today rolls around, and I'm still smarting from the poor follow-through on birthday spoilings (lovely present, but no cake...the only reason to celebrate birthdays in my mind) and I give my presents and guess what...he had already declared said anniversary null and void and didn't even get a card. What WHAT??

However, I do recognize the rapid and well-executed back pedalling that he did (as my eyes welled up with tears that he didn't get me a card) by announcing that he was taking me out to dinner tonight. Dinner makes everything good.

However, I simply can't fault a guy who proposed the way he did...for a while at least, he can do no wrong.


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