Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Teeny donuts cause so much trouble

Being a genuinely nice person, and in a celebratory mood after receiving confirmation about my job offer, I decided to buy Timbits (translation: donut-holes) for the folks at P.O.W. I was cooking up my resignation letter in my mind while handing over the $4.46 for a box of their finest assortment, and thought that this may express my thanks for their help over the past 30 days I have been employed there.

Cut to office elevator: I enter, clutching Timbits (and a steeped tea. Full entry on this to follow at some point) and bump into my (soon to be ex) boss.

Her: "Haha, you've got Timbits!"
Me (confused): "Err, yes."
Her: "Timbits have a significance around here!"
Me (confused): "Okaaay"
Her: "Ask someone what it means when you bring in Timbits!"
Me (confused): "Will do."

So, I ask my fellow desk-mate why the fuss about the Timbits.

Him: "Haha, you've got Timbits!"
Me: "Yes, and it's very contagious"
Him (confused): "What? Oh, that's funny"
Me: "I've been told to ask you about the significance of Timbits"
Him: "Oh yeah?"

and then he says

"People bring in Timbits when they are leaving"



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