Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Friday, March 04, 2005

My dream from last night

Anyone who knows me understands that I have the most vivid and bizarrely strange dreams on a nightly basis. Last nights' was a doozey. I started out on a flying carpet with MB (or was it my brother? Dreams are just too damn Freudian) and we were trying to pack our suitcases, when suddenly I suggested just sitting on the wicker hamper instead and he says "Great!". (BTW, if this doesn't seem to make sense, then you ain't seen nothing yet...) So there we are flying along when we crash into a mountain of clothes that are all folded and waiting to go to Goodwill. People are all over the mountain, folding and unfolding garments and they look upset that we are there. So I begin trying to dig us out so we can get going, but the carpet won't fly anymore. It's then that I realize I'm in England with an ex from Uni. He is really pleased to see me and gives me a huge hug and takes my bags. I realize that I'm here to visit him, but hold on, I've brought MB! That's when I realize that I had forgotten to break up with the ex! So I tell him that I've been seeing someone else and he says, "Well, that's ok. Long distance relationships are difficult" and he tries to get me to come with him. And inside I'm thinking "But what am I going to tell MB? Does this mean I've been cheating on MB with you??!!" and I'm so confused. Then my ex-boss shows up and tells me that I am an idiot for staying at my old P.O.W. without getting a raise because she was making $117,000 just because she asked for it. Then I wake up.

Wait until I tell you about the one with the toilets...


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