Barlet Starlet's Life Less Ordinary

Barlet Starlet provides a strange combination of humour, cynicism and moxy, with a healthy dash of gosh-darn it mentality and romantic idealism. Stir. Pour.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Countdown to Cuba: 5 hours and 27 minutes

I woke up to my clock radio with the announcer saying, "It's a disaster at the airports this morning. I hope you aren't trying to fly anywhere today...". Luckily, it was followed by "...if you are a JetsGo customer". Since I'm flying Air Transat, I got back into bed after springing halfway across the room. From comotose to 170 bpm in 3 seconds.

I feel sorry for those poor sods. Saving up what little vacation we get in this country, scrimping their money to take the kids to DisneyWorld, and *poof* it's gone because no-one was warned. Not one inkling of problems until it's too late. Those JERKS at JetsGo decided to keep taking their bookings until 11.59pm yesterday. They announced they weren't flying as of Midnight. JERKS! It's the first day of Spring Break! Everyone is AT THE AIRPORT! JERKS!

Seriously, I am mad and I'm not even flying with them. How dare they!? Take their money (literally) one minute, and announce they are closed the next. People who booked with travel agents may (MAY) get a portion of their ticket refunded, but anyone who booked online won't get their money back. JERKS!!

I am hopping angry mad. And I was hoping that someone would be a hero. Yes, I heard that Air Canada and WestJet are putting more planes on, but no, they won't be honouring the JetsGo tickets. Come on! BE A HERO to these people. Hey, how about this...instead of paying Celine Dion $1.5 million (or whatever it was) to croon your way back from bankrupcy, how about flying those kids to DisneyWorld? Think about the PR!!

Mad mad mad.


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